Every Wednesday from 20:00 Evgeni Lamba holds a blues jam with the best musicians of St. Petersburg and guests of the city.
Evgeni Lamba is a participant in numerous blues festivals in Russia and Europe, a welcome guest on the stage of metropolitan clubs of Russia and the Baltic states. Leader and mind behind Evgeni Lamba Band, an indispensable member of the Saint-Petersburg Blues Social Club, a musician who is completely dedicated to his work. Evgeni Lamba Band are unresting seekers of something new in music of the past. Blues united them, but any constraints are not for them. Musicians often devote their musical meetings to the works of famous bluesmen: Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan and others. In their improvisations, they capture many styles of their favorite music, and you never know for sure what today's performance will be like.